Lavender Reed diffuser set


Aromatic and fresh herbal fragrance of lavender, enhanced by sage and lemongras essential oils

SIZE: Glass bottle – volume diffuser 50 ml, refil Lavander 125 ml, 8 pieces of bamboo sticks

  • Besplatna dostava iznad 39,89€ za Hrvatsku
  • Vrste plaćanja: kartično plaćanje, bankovni prijenos
  • Free shipping for purchase abov 39,89€ in Croatia
  • Types of payment: card payment, bank transfer

USE: In a glass bottle, pour a scented liquid up to 2/3 of the total volume of the bottle. Put the sticks in it. The number of sticks depends on the size of the space, for small spaces such as the bathrooms use 4-6 sticks, and for larger spaces of 8-10 sticks. After the sticks absorb the scent, turn them so that the dry tip of the sticks is dunked into the liquid scent. Sticks will leave the scent in the space creating a cozy atmosphere. If you want to boost the odor, repeat the process, just turn the sticks back on. Faster rotation of the stick means more scent in the space. This mode of refreshment with the scent lasts 3 to 4 months depending on the temperature and the season. Keep your diffuser set out of reach of children and open flame


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      Naručene proizvode i dostava mogu se platiti prema modelu kojeg izaberete tijekom ispunjavanja narudžbe. Plaćanje proizvoda je moguće izvršiti: jednokratnim online plaćanjem putem PayWay-a (za inozemne kupce i kupce Republike Hrvatske) te jednokratnim plaćanjem na transakcijski račun (samo za kupce na području Republike Hrvatske). Račun će biti priložen u paketu (ili jednom od paketa ako se naručena roba isporučuje u više paketa).
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      • American Express
      • Mastercard
      • Visa

      Dostava naručene robe se vrši putem dostavne službe. Ako naručeni proizvod nije raspoloživ na skladištu, Bioaromatica d.o.o. će obavijestiti Kupca da proizvod trenutačno nije raspoloživ te ga izvijestiti o roku u kojem je proizvod dobavljiv. Naručeni proizvod, ovisno o tome je li dostupan na skladištu, Bioaromatica d.o.o. isporučuje u najkraćemu mogućem roku. Proizvodi će biti zapakirani tako da se uobičajenom manipulacijom u transportu ne mogu oštetiti. Kupac je dužan prilikom preuzimanja pošiljke provjeriti eventualna oštećenja i odmah ih reklamirati dostavljaču koji je robu dostavio, odnosno, tražiti izradu Zapisnika o oštećenju ukoliko pošiljku preuzima u dostavnom uredu te odbiti preuzeti pošiljku. U tom slučaju se pošiljka vraća prodavatelju. Kupljeni proizvodi šalju se u roku od 2 do 3 radna dana i dostavlja u roku 1-2 radna dana od slanja za većinu destinacija u Hrvatskoj (za otoke i manja mjesta, pošiljke se dostavljaju prema rasporedu dostavne službe). Za inozemne dostave rok isporuke je sljedeći:
      Austrija, Njemčka, Italija Nizozemska, Slovenija, Mađarska, Slovačka, Češka: (1-4) dana
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      Sjeverna i Južna Amerika i ostatak svijeta: 3 tjedna

      Cijena dostave
      Cijena dostave obračunava se na kraju postupka narudžbe. Korisnik sam snosi troškove dostave do vrijednosti narudžbe od 39,82€. Za narudžbe iznad 39,82€ s dostavom na području Republike Hrvatske, troškove dostave snosi Bioaromatica d.o.o.

      Online purchasing of products is possible on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and worldwide. When using the web site, Users are required to provide accurate, valid and complete personal information, especially when completing the registration form. Otherwise, the Seller is authorized to deny the user access to or service delivery.
      Orders and deliveries can be paid according to the model you choose when ordering. Payment of the product is possible: credit card payment through PayWay  (for international buyers and buyers of the Croatia), PayPal payments (available only for international buyers and selected countries), and cash payment (only for customers in the Croatia). The invoice will be delivered in the package (or one of the packages if the ordered item is delivered in multiple packages).
      Bioaromatica d.o.o. allows customers to pay with the following credit and debit cards at once:
      • American Express
      • Mastercard
      • Visa
      • Master

      The delivery of ordered products is done through the delivery service. If the ordered product is not on stock, Bioaromatica d.o.o. will notify the Buyer that the product is currently unavailable and will notify you of the deadline for the product to be delivered. Ordered product, depending on whether it is on stock, Bioaromatica d.o.o. delivers as soon as possible. The products will be packed that they can not be damaged during the transportation. The buyer is obliged to check for damage and to report damage to the deliverer who delivered the goods. Buyer can request the damage record paper if the consignment is taken over at the delivery office and he can refuse to take over the package. In that case the package will be returned to the seller.


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